Full Professor of Social & Cultural Anthropology with a focus on Africa

University of Bayreuth
Bayreuth (Stadt), Bayern (DE)
German salary grade W3
Mar 13, 2024
Apr 12, 2024
Position Type
Full Time
Organization Type

The University of Bayreuth is a research-oriented university with internationally competitive, interdisciplinary focus areas in research and teaching. The Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences at the University of Bayreuth is currently seeking to appoint a

Full Professor of Social & Cultural Anthropology with a focus on Africa
at pay grade W 3 to commence on October 1, 2024. This is a permanent civil service position.

The Professorship of Social & Cultural Anthropology with a focus on Africa is a central professorship in the Department of Social & Cultural Anthropology (SKA) and within the Africa specialization of the University of Bayreuth. The vacancy is geared towards a scholar with a proven record of expertise in economic anthropology and many years of empirical research experience on the African continent, whose research profile is situated in (at least) one of the following three thematic focus areas:

  1. environment and climate (e.g. renewable energies, green economy, degrowth)
  2. (im)mobility and migration (e.g. with regard to labour, people, and goods)
  3. transformations of property and land (e.g. land-grabbing, extractivism, alternative agricultural economies).

These three key areas are not only highly relevant for our planetary future and the shaping of the future on the African continent but are also particularly relevant to current debates on alternative knowledge formations, addressing issues relating to forms of knowledge and knowledge production that are central to the further development of Bayreuth's research on Africa (especially for the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence). The ideal candidate’s research experience would enrich debates on knowledge and knowledge production based on innovative empirical research on the African continent and possibly in other regions. Within the department, this would be linked to central debates on collaboration, expertise, and knowledge transfer.

On the basis of its special regional perspective and thematic expertise, the ideal candidate would represent the subject in its entire breadth from a theoretical and methodological perspective. By interweaving aspects of African studies with generally relevant socio-political debates, the professorship also provides impetus for a publicly visible social and cultural anthropology.

The willingness to collaborate in one's own research practice and within the scope of joint projects, and the ability to work in a team in a resilient and collaborative manner are highly desirable. The candidate must also show the willingness to take on tasks in academic self-governance. The ability to teach in English is expected. International candidates should demonstrate sufficient German language skills (at least B2) within three years.

Teaching duties are carried out in the bachelor's programmes Social & Cultural Anthropology, Interdisciplinary African Studies, Culture & Society as well as in the master's programmes Social & Cultural Anthropology, African Studies: Critical Perspectives on Society, Politics & Culture, and for the BIGSAS graduate school.

The general administrative requirements for hiring professors at universities in Bavaria apply. A complete description of the vacancy can be found at www.uni-bayreuth.de/en (University / Work at the University / Job Vacancies).

Applications (CV including a list of publications, experience obtaining external funding, a teaching and research concept, as well as copies of certificates and diplomas) are to be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ralf Behrwald, and submitted via https://uni-bayreuth.berufungsportal.de by 15 April 2024. Applicants are welcome to direct questions and requests for further information to the Dean (dekanat.kuwi@uni-bayreuth.de). Application documents will be deleted in accordance with data protection law following the conclusion of the appointment process.