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UCDavis1 job
University of Pittsburgh1 job
University of Arizona, School of Anthropology1 job
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas2 jobs
University of California, Berkeley Department of Anthropology1 job
Anthropologists study human beings from every time period, in every way possible, in all their complexity. The Department of Anthropology at Berkeley has long been ranked among the top five departments in the United States. Berkeley Anthropologists
University of Chicago, Anthropology1 job
University of Chicago, the College1 job
University of Denver, Department of Anthropology1 job
The University of Denver’s vision is to be a great private university dedicated to the public good. The University is committed to Inclusive Excellence: the recognition that an institution’s success depends upon how well it values and engages the
University of Hawaii at Manoa1 job
University of Miai1 job