Grinnell College, Department of Anthropology
About Grinnell College, Department of Anthropology
Grinnell College is a private liberal arts college in Grinnell, Iowa. It was founded in 1846 when a group of New England Congregationalists established the Trustees of Iowa College. Grinnell is known for its rigorous academics, innovative pedagogy, and commitment to social justice.
Grinnell has the sixth highest endowment-to-student ratio of liberal arts colleges, enabling need-blind admissions and substantial academic merit scholarships to boost socioeconomic diversity. Students receive funding for unpaid or underpaid summer internships and professional development (including international conferences and professional attire). Grinnell participates in a 3–2 engineering dual degree program with Columbia University, Washington University in St. Louis, and California Institute of Technology, a 2–1–1–1 engineering program with Dartmouth College and a Master of Public Health cooperative degree program with University of Iowa.
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1 job with Grinnell College, Department of Anthropology
Assistant Professor of Anthropological Archaeology, One-Year Term (Start Fall 2025)
Dept. of Anthropology invites applications for one-yr term contract with possibility of renewal in anthropological archaeology beginning fall 2025.